Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Kada krecete u neki izlazak , na sta prvo obratite paznju i sta biste obukli za taj dan?
Evo par savijeta prenosim vam slikom , nadam se da cete nesto pronaci slicno za sebe :* ..

When you go out , What's the first thing you see in your closeton for the day?
Here are some suggestions by picture, I hope you will find something similar for yourself ;) 

I eto 23 fotografije koje se nadam da će inspirisati vašu sledeću odjeću i stailing . Ja sam zadovoljna .;)Jedva čekam da vam pokažem izbor za sledecu nedelju ! Veliki zagrljaj.
And  that's 23 photos that I hope will inspire your next outfit and stailing. I'm pleased. ;)Hardly wait to show you the selection for next week! Big hug. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Trousers Jeans Back In Style? How Can We Wear Style This ’70′s Trend

Who’s to blame for stirring up this fashion trend in the 21st century? Well designers sure played their part. For Fall/Winter 2012 – 2013 we all know we need to stick with black, leather, burgundy, some white… and apparently flared trousers. Or at least a nipped and tucked version of the bell bottom trouser. A somewhat large cut, extra long, sleek, in all possible textures and colors. Sure the hues above reign, but there’s also prints, nudes, glitter, leather.

Hmm,ko je kriv za miješanje ovog modnog trenda u 21. vijek?Pa dizajneri su sigurno odigrali svoju ulogu. Za jesen / zimu 2012 - 2013 svi znamo da se moramo držati crnih,kožnih ,tamnocrvenih, neki bijelim ,jeansom.. I na kreju trapericama. Ili barem gore uskim i onda do dolje sa zvono dnom.. Napravljen je veliki rez, sa extra dugim ,elegantnim i u svim mogućim bojama i teksturama traperica.Dozvoljene su mnoge nijanse ,bez ogranicenja, ali tu je i svjetlucavo, cvijetno,koža...
The bell bottom jeans with high waist, super tight from the knees up and then flared and very long look fantastic on almost any figure as they tend to elongate the legs. Sure they have to be adapted to each shape but there are a few fashion rules that make this trend look fabulous on any woman: extra tall shoes!!!
Xo love MM ❤

Zvono dno traperice s visokim strukom, uske na koljenima i onda samo padaju i jako duge ,u njima ce izgledati fantastično gotovo bilo koja zena ,one imaju tendenciju da izduže noge. Naravno one moraju biti prilagođene svakom obliku, ali postoji nekoliko modnih pravila koji bi za taj trend izgledao fantastično na bilo kojoj ženi: extra visoke cipele!!!
Xo love MM ❤